Assorted capsules of medication

Pre-Pharmacy Program

参加火博体育的药学预科课程,是开始药学职业生涯的第一步. SJC与新墨西哥大学(UNM)达成协议,允许成功的SJC毕业生直接进入新墨西哥大学的药学博士(PharmD)课程.

At SJC, 你将获得药学预科的副学士学位和药学预科高级证书. Then you will enroll in UNM's PharmD program to finish your studies. 你将得到SJC和新墨西哥大学的学术支持,以确保你保持正轨,并为成为一名有执照的药剂师奠定基础. 今天申请,并利用我们独特的计划,进入这个有益的职业生涯.

Why Study Pre-Pharmacy?

Pharmacists play an essential role in the healthcare system. 他们为医院使用和个别病人治疗配发处方药. They also play a key role in teaching patients about their medication. 药剂师与其他医疗保健专业人员合作,确保为患者提供最佳护理.

要成为一名有执照的药剂师,你必须完成药学博士课程才能获得药学博士学位. 通过完成药剂学预科课程,你将为高级药学学习打下坚实的基础. 你将在小班授课的同时学习对成功至关重要的课程. 

一旦你成为一名有执照的药剂师,你将享受一份充实而高薪的职业. You can work in various healthcare settings, from hospitals to clinics, or go into research or academia.

Why Enroll in the Pre-Pharmacy Program at San Juan College?


SJC的预药学课程提供了获得预药学AS和预药学高级证书的机会. 这些证书的组合为你未来作为药剂师的职业生涯做好了准备. 

在Pre-Pharmacy AS项目中,你将学习生物、化学、数学和通识教育课程. 药学预科高级证书课程提供更专业的生物学课程, chemistry, and physics courses. 这两个项目的结合将提高你的知识和技能,并为你进入药学博士项目做准备.

Transfer to UNM PharmD Program

SJC与新墨西哥大学药学院有协议,药学院预科的学生可以申请新墨西哥大学药学院 PharmD Early Assurance Program after completing the first year of the Pharmacy AS. If accepted, 一旦你完成了SJC的药学预科AS和高级证书课程,你将保证进入药学博士课程. 这种合作关系将允许您在SJC校区学习,而无需在初始学习期间转到新墨西哥大学.


  • 有机会参加新墨西哥大学药学院药学预科指导老师的咨询课程吗
  • 通过特别活动成为药学院社区的一员
  • 获得申请费减免,这样您就可以免费申请药学博士课程
  • 提前报名参加药学院的面试
  • 在秋季,也就是你注册药学博士项目的前一年,了解你的录取情况
  • 受邀参加新墨西哥大学药学院院长的年度晚宴
  • 收到研讨会的邀请,这将有助于你的个人和学术成长
  • 参与指导和跟踪当前的药学博士生的机会

Get Personalized Attention

药学预科课程包含难以掌握的科学和数学概念. 在SJC,你将获得充分理解这些学科所需的知识和支持. 我们的小班授课让你的经验丰富的教授与你单独接触, so you'll get specific feedback on your work, which can help you better understand complex concepts. 教师也会帮助你养成良好的学习习惯,这将帮助你度过你的教育之旅.

Affordable Pathway to a PharmD

Because of SJC's low tuition rates 当你准备转学时,药学预科课程对你来说是一项极好的投资. Our rigorous, 高质量的教育将为你的药学博士学位做好准备,同时为你节省数千美元. 你也可能有资格通过NM机会和彩票奖学金获得学位和证书.

What You'll Learn in the Pre-Pharmacy Program

SJC's Pre-Pharmacy program has two parts. First, 你将完成Pre-Pharmacy AS,以获得全面的教育和基础的数学和科学技能. After earning your AS degree, you'll enter the Pre-Pharmacy Advanced Certificate program, where more in-depth courses will prepare you for your future career.

在Pre-Pharmacy AS,你将学习通识教育、科学和数学课程.

As part of your program core requirements, you will take:

  • Human Anatomy & Physiology I and II (Includes labs)
  • General Chemistry II (Includes a lab)
  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Trigonometry
  • Calculus
  • Introduction to Ethics


Pre-Pharmacy AS Curriculum

In the certificate program, 你将学习更多的专业科学课程,完成语言要求. In your core requirements, you will take the following courses:

  • Microbiology (Includes a lab)
  • Genetics (Includes a lab)
  • Organic Chemistry I and II (Includes labs)
  • Algebra-based Physics I and II (Includes labs)



Pre-Pharmacy Advanced Certificate Curriculum

Careers and Outcomes

Our Pre-Pharmacy program prepares you for a career as a pharmacist, 确保你有足够的条件转入新墨西哥大学的药学专业,并继续深造.

美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)表示,对药剂师的需求一直很旺盛 从2021年到2031年,药剂师的就业预计将增长2%. Pharmacists also command high salaries, as the median annual wage for pharmacists was $128,570 in May 2021.

As a licensed pharmacist, you may work in:

  • Retail pharmacies
  • Hospitals
  • Long-term care facilities
  • Pharmaceutical companies
  • Home healthcare

Next Steps

要注册药学预科理学副学士,你必须首先申请火博体育. It's easy, and you can apply online at any time!

Apply Now!

If you are already a student at San Juan College, 和你的指导老师谈谈我们的Pre-Pharmacy AS和转学过程. 

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Phone: (505) 566-3320

West Classroom Complex,
Room 1911

M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

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